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Living And Working in the Dharma: Non-Residential Retreat with Alexis Santos

  • Open Door Meditation Community 160 Presumpscot Street Portland, ME, 04103 United States (map)


Enrich your practice in the depths of winter with a multiday, non-residential retreat for both new and experienced meditators. This retreat is designed to be accessible to all whose work and family life make attending a weeklong residential retreat a challenge. The partially hybrid retreat* schedule includes a Sunday afternoon in-person opening session, flexible early morning online sits, and five in-person evening sessions. Over the six days of the retreat, Open Door co-founder Alexis Santos will support participants as they deepen and grow their practice both on the cushion and in their daily lives. 

What is meant by a partially hybrid retreat? 

Partially hybrid means the morning sits will be online and the opening and evening sessions (dharma talk, sit and Q&A) will be in person at ODMC. A Zoom link will be provided to registrants for the online morning instructions and optional Open Dharma Hall morning sit.

Who should participate?

While no prior retreat experience is necessary, participants must commit to attending the retreat in its entirety.

What does the tentative schedule look like? 

Sunday 1/26: In-person opening session with potluck dinner (4 - 8 pm)

Monday – Friday mornings (1/27 – 1/31): VIRTUAL only via Zoom: 

  • Open Dharma Hall – optional additional sitting time (7 - 7:30 am)

  • Alexis’ morning instructions (7:30 - 8:30 am)

Monday – Friday evenings (1/27 – 1/31): In person at Open Door (6 - 8 pm, except Wednesday 5:30 – 8 pm)

What does it cost?

There is no registration fee for this retreat. In keeping with the Buddhist tradition of dana, the retreat will be supported entirely by the practice of generosity. Please note that the teacher will be supported only by dana, with the same being true for rental costs for the Open Door space. Participants’ generosity will be vital to the continuation of such remarkable offerings. Information about how to contribute will be provided at the end of the retreat.

Any questions? 

Please email (Despite this not being a residential retreat, this IS the correct email for inquiries.)

Alexis Santos started his meditation and mindfulness practice in 2001. His primary teacher is Sayadaw U Tejaniya, from the Burmese Theravada tradition, with whom he ordained as a Buddhist monk from 2003 - 2005. He is a 2016 graduate of the Spirit Rock/IMS four-year teacher training program and co-founded Open Door Meditation Community in Portland, ME. Alexis leads meditation retreats across North America and around the world.

January 17

Winter Day-Long Retreat

March 28

Monastic Retreat with Ayya Santussika